JOMO - The joy of missing out
In our world filled with social media available 24/7, many have acquired a fear called FOMO - the fear of missing out.
What if we looked at it from a different perspective? JOMO. The joy of missing out. What a beautiful concept. Being able to disconnect from the outside world for a time to just be with yourself. That is the ultimate self-care. No guilt, no shoulda, woulda, coulda's, just time to breathe.
How would you do it? "There is so much to do. It's the Holiday Season."
At West Coast Cowgirl, we make time for self-care.
Make a date with yourself
Set a time in your calendar. When will you be alone during the day? Make it easy to spend some time with yourself.
Spend some time in nature
Go to a park, take your dog for a walk, ride your horse, take a nature walk. Walking and being in nature is great medicine for our body, mind, and soul.
Sit and do absolutely nothing
Sit or lie comfortably. Let all thoughts go for a moment. Don't think about anything and once your thoughts have stopped, feel the peace and love that is left. This opens up space for healing and creation.
Learn something new
Have you ever wished you were better at something? Something that puts a smile on your face? Spend even 5 minutes dreaming about what would give you a happy feeling. Learning a new language? Getting a pet? Learning more about self-care? Developing a yoga or meditation practice? Creating a beautiful relationship?
You will never miss out if you are serving others. Seeing the world the way it really is through the eyes of others.
Check out our beautiful New Arrivals from West Coast Cowgirl.
Psychology today wrote an interesting article that you may get more ideas from.
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