Style your Vintage Cowgirl Office Desk Space
Do you have a beautiful workspace you love to spend time every day? Here we walk you through our top tips for styling the perfect cowgirl desk space…
Surround yourself with greenery
Not only can indoor plants add a lot of greenery and character to an otherwise drab office environment, but they can also improve air quality and remove impurities. They make a fresh focal point to your work environment so fill unused spaces in your office with large indoor plants- just be sure to water them regularly and take them outside weekly dependant on which plants you choose!
Add a Himalayan salt lamp
Here at West Coast Cowgirl, we love the benefits of a Himalayan Salt Lamp. They have a range of healing benefits- including cleansing and deodorizing the air in your office space. They also increase energy levels and improve mood and concentration, helping you work more efficiently from day to day.
Clear the clutter
Whether you work at home or not, having a cute and clean desk is a must! A clean and creative environment help you stay productive and on task. Clear the clutter and keep just a few pieces that fit your style. Keep pretty notebooks around for jotting down ideas and making daily work lists.
When we clear clutter, we give stress fewer places to hide and create more room to breathe.
Style your workspace with beautiful things
To avoid your desk feeling like a stale space, it’s important to surround yourself with beauty. Adding beautiful art reminds us to self-reflect throughout the day and remain mindful, which is something we can forget in the chaos of day-to-day working life. We like the healing stones in our stone collection. These ancient stones from mother earth are good for grounding and to settle our minds.
Play relaxing music
The soothing effects of music on our emotional and mental state makes it a wonderful stress management tool. Experiment to find your perfect productivity playlist–it might change your entire work experience for the better.
Nourish yourself and your skin
Sitting at a desk for hours can be taxing on your skin and body, so it’s important to stretch regularly and stay hydrated with plenty of water. We always have a nourishing hand cream nearby to moisturize our skin and choose ones with essential oils that have the added benefit of aromatherapy.
Enjoy the beautiful new western chic workspace you’ve created for yourself. Each working day will be so much more enjoyable in your gorgeous new surroundings!
Contact us with any feedback, ideas or suggestions you have.