8 Skin Care Tips for Fall to Help You Look and Feel Your Best
With Fall now in full swing, colder months are right around the corner. Many of us have already swapped our summer wardrobe for our more appropriate cool weather clothing. We also shop for new accessories such as longer necklaces to wear with sweaters, belts to wrap around our cool weather jackets, and hats to keep the cold wind off our face.
What about our skin care routine? The changing weather, from hot and sweaty to cold and drafty, can cause damage to our skin. We want to not only look good, but feel good with that new wardrobe, those new accessories, and yes, even our soft, smooth, and bright skin. Below are 8 of my top tips for taking care of your skin during the cold Autumn months.
Revisit your body cleanser. It’s time to say goodbye to soap. It can leave your skin feeling dry and tight. Use a creamy body wash or a soap-free hydrating cleanser instead.
Exfoliate with an oil-based scrub. There are so many of these scrubs available now. Find one that is hydrating and can be used a few times a week. Bonus if you find a scent you absolutely adore.
Trade lotion for cream. You will most likely need to moisturize your skin each and every day. Choose a body cream rather than a lotion. The best time to apply is right after the shower as soon as you’ve dried off with a towel. This locks the moisture in for even smoother softer skin.
Re-think your facial cleanser. Weather changes can cause someone with oily skin to now have dry patches on their face. Change your facial cleanser according to the needs of your skin. It can be a daunting task to decide which product is best for you. Do some research or ask someone at a beauty counter what they suggest.
Don’t forget the sunscreen. Although it’s now cooler outside, it does not mean you skip the sunscreen. In the fall months, we’re still outside enjoying the cooler weather. Always apply sunscreen before leaving your home.
Feet need skin care too. Your feet are now inside socks, shoes, and boots all day long. Find a foot scrub that you can use a few times a week while in the shower. Moisturizing your feet with body cream directly after showering can help lock that moisture in as well.
Stock up on the hand cream. Be sure to have hand cream in your purse or in your car, available where you can use it as needed. You are most likely washing your hands even more now, due to the cold and flu season. Hand cream will help keep those hands nice and moisturized.
What some of your favorite skin care tips for the Fall season?