8 Ideas That Can Keep You Sane While Being Stuck At Home During The Coronavirus Quarantine
As a result of COVID-19, many of us suddenly have a lot more free time on our hands, and we don't know what to do with it.
If social distancing and state regulations have you stuck inside going stir crazy, there are several activities you can do to pass the time and keep yourself grounded.
Below you will find suggestions from West Coast Cowgirl for how to stay busy during the Coronavirus outbreak.
Playing in Nature
If you have animals go out and play with them! They aren't worried and will help keep you grounded. If not, go for a walk or hike, have a picnic in your yard, or just sit outside and remember all the things we have to be grateful for like:
Time with family
More alone time for self-care
How communities are coming together in this riveting time
Food and shelter
Arts and Crafts
Whether you have little ones or not, arts and crafts are always fun! Even if it's coloring in a coloring book, adults and children alike enjoy these projects. If you don't have any paint or crayons, get creative. You can upcycle your empty food cans into vases by covering with fabric or cutout magazines, remember the necklaces made from macaroni? Chalk art? Why not? Now that we have extra time our creative juices can flow.
Visit a Museum online
If you're hungry for some culture and want to quench your thirst for knowledge then now is the time to check out the best virtual museum tours, right from the comfort of your own home.
We found 10 museums you can virtually visit on the Smithsonian Magazine site.
How about the Guggenheim or the Vatican museums? The Anne Frank House?
With all the gyms closed, we have to find ways to move our bodies which helps keep our immune systems strong. There are lots and lots of workout videos on Youtube. If you don't have any workout equipment at home and don't want to buy any online, you will be able to find lots of videos that don't require weights. Don't forget about yoga. Besides being amazing for your body. it's also amazing for your mind and has a calming effect and helps get you grounded. Don't forget about dancing, playing and wrestling with your kids!
Golds Gym is offering free access to its app, Goldsamp, until the end of May, where more than 600 audio and video workouts along with DJ mixes get you ready to work up a sweat. Planet Fitness is offering "Home Work-Ins" streamed live at 7 p.m. ET daily on its Facebook page.
Home Projects
Plant trees and start getting your garden ready. There is nothing more grounding or mind clearing as getting your hands in the dirt. It's also a FUN family project and mother nature will thank you for it.
De-Cluttering is another mind cleaning journey that we sometimes avoid but once we get in the groove of it, we flow and the finished project feels so good. We like Marie Kondo's idea "Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy."
Tackle some Spring Cleaning projects. Don't try to get all your spring cleaning done in one day. Focus on one room at a time and schedule different rooms for different days. Divide the jobs -- vacuuming, dusting, window washing, organizing -- among family members.
Interior paint is a great room refresher. Painting a small bathroom and adding artwork can brighten up your home. Touch up painting or re-staining/painting baseboards add a fresh look.
Take a FREE Online Class
Now that social distancing and shelter-at-home policies are in place across the country, taking an online course is a good opportunity to pass time, learn something new, or advance your career.
We found this site that has 45 FREE online classes offering ways to learn something new or up-level your career.
There are FREE online courses from some of the best colleges in the United States. Here's a link to Business Insiders reviews.
Connect with Friends and Family
Video chatting and phone calls enable heart to heart conversations across any distance. What a great way to stay in touch to feel the human connection that might be waning in isolation.
Here are some apps that can help keep you connected.
Facebook Messenger: This app has video and audio call features that can connect up to six people at once.
FaceTime: FaceTime is available on all iPhones, and only between iPhone users. It allows up to 32 people to join one video call.
Skype: Skype is one of the top video chat apps, it allows up to 50 people to be on a call.
Zoom: Zoom video free version can connect up to 100 people at one time.
WhatsApp: WhatsApp has a video chat platform that allows up to four people to come together at a time.
Google Duo: Google Duo allow up to 8 people to be on one call.
Google Hangouts: Google Hangouts allows up to 10 people to participate.
Sending out a simple text or email when someone comes into your mind is a great way to tell someone you're thinking about them and their well being.
Discover a New Hobby
Everyone needs a hobby and maybe you already have one but now is a great time to discover other exciting things you may be interested in. The perfect hobby is one that lets you tap into some of your energy and creativity but doesn't tap into your wallet too hard.
West Coast Cowgirl has some ideas that you might vibe with:
Raising/Fostering animals
Working out
Knitting or Crocheting
Baking or Cooking
Brewing Beer
Fermenting Wine
Learn a new language
Becoming a movie buff
All of us at West Coast Cowgirl care about your health and safety during this interesting time. We thank you for supporting our small business and we continue to be here to serve you. Sending love and blessings to all of you. 💙