The Beauty of Feathered Jewelry
We wear jewelry to feel good, to enhance our own beauty and take pride in our appearance. Jewelry is a wonderful way to express yourself, who you are, and what you like. Western style jewelry speaks to the cowgirl in each of us, showing off our pride in the West with traditional elements, materials and symbols. One symbol that can readily be found in many types of western jewelry is the feather. Feathers may be delicate, but they speak volumes.
The feather has many symbolic meanings attached to it. Native American tribes and other indigenous people around the world connect the feather with the wind, powerful energy, such as thunder, and wisdom. As birds fly high in the sky, they are closer to the sun, stars and cosmos beyond. In many Native cultures, birds are messengers of the spirit world, bringing lessons and wisdom to those who receive them. The feather as a sacred symbol for many Native Americans ultimately represents trust, honor, strength, wisdom, power and freedom.
When it comes to fashion trends, feathers have been popular throughout various times in history, and probably even before then. Native American ceremonial headdresses, were worn only by men and at special occasions. Feathers reached their peak in popularity with the high-fashion feathered hats of the 18th and 19th Centuries. Unfortunately, exotic feathers were often sought after during this time, which led to the decline of many beautiful birds around the world. The practice of using real feathers from birds declined itself with the modern age. Today we have synthetic feathers such as can be found in the feather boa of today’s entertainers. There are better supply practices in place, with feathers being sustainably harvested from more common birds, such as roosters. Feathers have been used make a bold statement in a beautiful way.
In current western style fashions, feathers are still a popular element and can be found in a variety of pieces. Feathered earrings and necklaces can add a bit of whimsical fun to an outfit, and make for a wonderful conversation piece. Feathers can also add a bit of romance to your mood. The soft flow of feathers dangling from filigree earrings can feel like the wind gently whispering by. But a feather need not be a real one from a bird. Antiqued gold or silver feathers provide beautiful details, as a delicate accent, or as a bold centerpiece. At the office, they can bring a bit of flair, and at a party or big event, they can highlight a new dress or stunning outfit.
Feathers make a bold and beautiful statement, and are a great way to show off your Western style. I invite you to check out our products at West Coast Cowgirl, where you can find a variety of items with a feathered centerpiece or accents at our website. Whether you are looking for a gift for that special someone or you are ready to treat yourself to something new, products are added regularly so be sure to check back often.